118. lovačka divizija (118. Jäger Division), T315 roll 2265 |
description | frame no. | the document
18349/1 - 718 Inf Div. Ia, Kriegstagebuch - War Diary covering unit activation, occupation duty and antipartisan warfare in Yugoslavia, May 14, 1941 - December 31, 1941 izdvojeno: | 1 |  |
18349/2 - 718 Inf Div. Ia, Anlagenband I zum Kriegstagebuch. Anlagen l-50 - Annexes to War Diary. Orders and reports covering unit transfer to Yugoslavia.and occupation duty., May 14, 1941 - July 14, 1941 izdvojeno: | 405 |
18349/3 - 718 Inf Div. Ia, Anlagenband II zum Kriegstagebuch. Anlagen 51-130 - Annexes to War Diary. Reports relating to issuing of equipment, combat training, unit occupation duty, and antipartisan warfare in Yugoslavia., June 27, 1941 - August 13, 1941 izdvojeno: | 564 |
18349/4 - 718 Inf Div. Ia, Anlagenband III zum Kriegstagebuch. Anlagen 131-200 - Annexes to War Diary. Reports relating to unit antipartisan warfare in Yugoslavia., August 13, 1941 - August 31, 1941 izdvojeno: | 721 |
18349/5 - 718 Inf Div. Ia, Anlagenband IV zum Kriegstagebuch. Anlagen 201-300 - Annexes to War Diary. Renorts and radio messa es relating to unit occupation duty and antipartisan warfare in Yugoslavia., August 30, 1941 - September 21, 1941 izdvojeno: | 906 |
18349/6 - 718 Inf Div. Ia, Anlagenband V zum Kriegstagebuch. Anlagen 301-400 - Annexes to War Diary. Reports and radio messages relating to unit occupation duty and antipartisan warfare in Yugoslavia., September 16, 1941 - October 11, 1941 izdvojeno: | 1106 |