1. kozačka divizija Vermahta (1. Kosaken-Kavallerie Division), T315 roll 2281 |
description | frame no. | the document
la, KTB 1. 1943-12-31 - War journal concerning preparations for and -I.KosD transfer from Truppen uebungsplatz Mielau (Mlawa) , Wehrkreis I, Poland, to Mitrovica, Yugoslavia, 17 Sep-15 Oct 1941; movement s, guarteringr reconnaissance and assault operations, securing roads, railroads, and airfields, training , and operations against partisans in the Mitrovica, Ruroa, Sid, Tovarnik, Ilok, Irig, Novi Sad, Indija, Krasedolr Vrdnik, Karlovci, and Vinkovci areas and the Fruska Gora Mountains, 6-31 Oct; in the Vinkovci, Djakovo, Osijek, Cepin, Nasice, Brod, Doboj, Valpovo, Podgorac, and Potnjani areas, 1-21 Nov; and in the Sisak, Petrinja, Glina, Gora, Sunja, Kostalnica, Bosanski Novi, Dubica, and Zagreb (Agram) areas, 29 Nov-31 Dec, with headguarters of the division at Mitrovica, 6-22 Oct, at Vinkovci, 23 Oct-2 Nov, at Djakovo, 3-21 Nov, and at Sisak, 27 Nov-31 Dec. Movement from Djakovo to Sisak and relief of the 11. SS Panzer-Gren-Div. Nordland, 21-28 Nov, and assignment of the II. Kosaken-Reiter-Brigade in detached service to secure the railroad line Brod-Derventa-Doboj-Bosansko Petrovo Selo-Tuzla, 29 Nov-31 Dec., September 17, 1943 - December 31, 1943 izdvojeno: | 1 |  |
la, Anlagen zura KTR 1. 1943-12-31 - Orders, reports, messages, maps, and overlays pertaining to the activation of the 1. Kosaken-Div., 23 Apr 1943, operational readiness on 23 Sep, preparations for and transfer of the division, consisting of the I. and II. Kosaken-Reiter-Brigade and including 6 ReitPr-Regimente: Donkosaken-Reiter-Rgt. 1 and 5, Sibirkosak en-Reiter-Rgt. 2, Kubankosaken-Reiter-Rgt. 3 and 4, and Terekkosaken-Reiter-Rgt. 6, from Hlawa, Poland, to Mitrovica, Yugoslavia, 17 Sep-15 Oct; movements, guartering, reconnaissance and assault operations, securing roads and railroads, training, and operations against partisans in the Mitrovica, Ruma, Novi Sad, and Vinkovci areas, 6-31 Oct, in the Djakovo, Osijek, and Masice areas, 1-21 Nov; and movement to and relief of the 11. SS Panzer-Grpn-Div. Nordland in the Sisak area, 21-28 Nov. Operations against partisans and securing roads, railroads, and airfields in the Sisak, Glina, and Dubica areas and south of Zagreb (Agram) and securing the railroad line Brod-Derventa-Doboj-Tuzla by the II. Kosaken-Reiter-Briqade in detached service, 29 Nov-31 Dec. Afteraction reports and critiques regarding Unternehmen Araiin (operations against partisans in the Tlok, Trigf Vrdnik, Krusedol, Karlovci, and Indija areas of the Fruska Cora Mountains, 13-17 Oct) ; Unternehmen Wildsau I (operations against partisans in the Vinkovci, Tovarnik, Sid, and Kuzmin areas between the Bosut and Sava Rivers, 20-27 Oct) ; and nnternehmen Panther (operations to destroy partisan units and mopping-up action in the Glina, Gora, Petrinja, and. Sunja areas between the Una and Korana Rivers, 7-20 Dec). Order-of-battle charts; billeting surveys; status, strength, and casualty reports; special directives concerning supply and siqnal communications; and data relating to partisan operations and losses., September 17, 1943 - December 31, 1943 izdvojeno: | 46 |
la, Ic, Lagekarten und Berichte ueber Feindlage im Raum um Sisak. 1944-01-12 - An intelligence report of 11 Nov 1943 presenting a listing of identification and strength of partisan units in the Sisak area and situation maps showing the tactical disposition of the 1. Kosaken-Div. and Kroat. Gebirqs-Einheitan in the Belgrade area, 7 Oct, and in the Zagreb (Agram), Bjelovar, and Sisak areas, 27 Nov 1943-12 Jan 1944., October 07, 1943 - January 12, 1944 izdvojeno: | 487 |
Ic, TB 1. 1944-01-16 - Activity reports concerning partisan operations and losses, control of Cossacks during their stay at Truppenuebungsplatz Mielau (Mlawa) , Poland, counterintelligence, courts-martial, troop indoctrination and entertainraent, and Unternehmen Armin (operations aqainst partisans in the Fruska Gora Mountains, 13-17 Oct 1943), Unternehnen Wildsau I (operations aqainst partisans in the area between the Bosut and Sava Rivers, 20-27 Oct) , and Unternehmen Panther (operations to destroy partisan units and raoppinq-up action in the area between the Una and Korana Rivers, 7-20 Dec)., August 01, 1943 - January 16, 1944 izdvojeno: | 497 |
Ic, Anlagenband zum TB 1, Feindnachrichtenblaetter. 1943-12-11 - Intelligence bulletins and interrogation summaries., October 02, 1943 - December 11, 1943 izdvojeno: | 539 |
Ic, Anlagenband zum TB 1, Vernehmungsberichte. 1943-12-31 - Interrogation summaries; an intelligence bulletin; directives governing military security and counterintelliqence; reports concerning enemy propaganda and acts of sedition, the political situation in the division sector, and troop indoctrination; an afteraction critique of Unternehmen Panther; and stammtafeln (unit historical record sheet) of units of the 1. Kosaken-Div, 17 Jun-25 Aug 1943., October 21, 1943 - December 31, 1943 izdvojeno: | 614 |