Documents from National Archive Washington
Dostupno ukupno kompletnih rolni listova dokumenata (total rolls): 84 - sa ukupno listova dokumenata (total pages): 94175

15. brdski armijski korpus (XV. Gebirgs Armeekorps)
Oberkommando der WehrmachtOberkommando der Wehrmacht
ArmeegruppeHeeresgruppe EHeeresgruppe F
PanzerarmeePanzerarmee 2
ArmeekorpsXV. Gebirgs ArmeekorpsXXI. Gebirgs ArmeekorpsII. SS Panzer ArmeekorpsXXXIV. ArmeekorpsLXVIIII. ArmeekorpsLXXXXI. Armeekorps
T314, r. 554T314, r. 555T314, r. 556T314, r. 557T314, r. 558T314, r. 559T314, r. 560T314, r. 561T314, r. 562T314, r. 563T314, r. 564T314, r. 565T314, r. 566
Division114. Jäger Division117. Jäger Division118. Jäger DivisionBrandenburg Division7. SS Gebirgs Division Prinz Eugen1. Kosaken-Kavallerie Division369. (Kroatische) Infanterie-Division Teufel373. (Kroatische) Infanterie-Division Tiger

15. brdski armijski korpus (XV. Gebirgs Armeekorps) Documents from National Archive Washington
   15. brdski armijski korpus (XV. Gebirgs Armeekorps), T314 roll 556  
descriptionframe no.the document
page no: (1-1257):
Geb AK XV, 46764/9, Tagesmeldungen 114. Jg. Div. - Daily Reports 114th Light Division. Reports describing operations along the Croatian coast line between Zara and Split., October 02, 1943 - December 31, 1943
- Pregled uporišta 114. JgD (30.10.43)
- *2. Vrpolje: 120 četnika*, *14. Elektrana *Krka*: 2. četa 114. PT bataljona, 120 četnika.* (frame no. 245)
Geb AK XV, 46764/10, Tagesmeldungen 369. I. Div. - Daily Reports 369th Inf Div. Reports describing daily tactical situations within the 369th Inf Div of the 15th Geb Corps during the campaign in Croatia near Travnik, Sarajevo, Rogatica, and Visegrad., October 01, 1943 - October 15, 1943
Geb AK XV, 46764/11, Tagesmeldungen SS Div. - Daily Reports SS Div. Reports describing daily tactical situations of the SS Div attached to the 15th Geb Corps during the campaign in Croatia between Mostar and Split, also detailed information on guerrilla operations and counteractions., July 31, 1943 - October 01, 1943
- 7.SS za 15. brd. kor. (31.8.43)
- [Operacija *Gama*] *[...]Oko 150 četnika, podržanih od strane motociklističkog voda i konjičkog eksadrona [7.SS divizije] drže liniju [...sjeverozapadno od Gacka]. Četnički gubici 3 mrtva, 10 ranjenih.* (frame no. 829)

- Gubici 7.SS od 23.-25.8.43
- 17 KIA (1 oficir), 10 WIA, 7 MIA. (frame no. 853)
Geb AK XV, 46764/12, Tagesmeldungen 373. I.Div. - Daily Reports 373rd Inf Div. Reports describing daily tactical situations within the 373rd Inf Div of the 15th Geb Corps during the campaign in Croatia between Kostajnica, Prijedor, and Bos Novi., August 01, 1943 - September 29, 1943