Documents from National Archive Washington
Dostupno ukupno kompletnih rolni listova dokumenata (total rolls): 84 - sa ukupno listova dokumenata (total pages): 94175

Armijska grupa F (Heeresgruppe F)
Oberkommando der WehrmachtOberkommando der Wehrmacht
ArmeegruppeHeeresgruppe EHeeresgruppe F
T311, r. 187T311, r. 188T311, r. 189T311, r. 190T311, r. 191T311, r. 192T311, r. 193T311, r. 194T311, r. 195T311, r. 196T311, r. 285T311, r. 286
PanzerarmeePanzerarmee 2
ArmeekorpsXV. Gebirgs ArmeekorpsXXI. Gebirgs ArmeekorpsII. SS Panzer ArmeekorpsXXXIV. ArmeekorpsLXVIIII. ArmeekorpsLXXXXI. Armeekorps
Division114. Jäger Division117. Jäger Division118. Jäger DivisionBrandenburg Division7. SS Gebirgs Division Prinz Eugen1. Kosaken-Kavallerie Division369. (Kroatische) Infanterie-Division Teufel373. (Kroatische) Infanterie-Division Tiger

Armijska grupa F (Heeresgruppe F) Documents from National Archive Washington
   Armijska grupa F (Heeresgruppe F), T311 roll 196  
descriptionframe no.the document
page no: (1-847):
75139/2b Ic, Kriegsakten OB Südost. - Reports and orders concerning the leadership, mission, organization, order of battle, insignia of rank, strength,and armament of DM Chetnik groups, Sokol movement, Ustasha units, Croatian Armed Forces,and National Socialist Party, partisan units, Schwarze Hand in Albania and Weisse Hand in Serbia, and Tito!s Peoples Liberation Army (VBH) and Communist groups (KA) in Yugoslavia. Reports on the organization and racial-political mission (Volkspolitische Aufgabe) of SS and Waffen-SS; military-political situation in OB Südost sector; Draza Mihailovic's relationship to Communist groups, America, England, Russia, and Balkan countries; and the organization of Eisenbahnstabe 2,3, and 4, including overlay (1:1,000,000) showing the location of railroad lines in Yugoslavia assigned to each staff. Maps (1:1,000,000) showing the tactical disposition of enemy and partisan units in OB Südost sector., December 21, 1939 - January 16, 1945
- Depeša komande Druge oklopne armije Komandi Armijske grupe F od 21. novembra 1943.
- /18.11. Radio-naređenje D.M. Đujiću da još više nego do sada ratuje zajedno sa njemačkim Wehrmachom protiv komunista, jer su oni izdali srpsku stvar. On sam ne može tako postupiti zbog stava naroda./ (frame no. 223)
75139/3 Ia, Ic, Mape- u. Feindlagekarten, Gliederungen u. Pausen OB Südost. - Maps and overlays (1:200,000 to 1,000,000) showing the location of tactical operations during Operations Draufganger, Kreuzotter I and II, Morgenrot, Rammstoss, Rouen, Rübezahl, Stürmer, Trumpf, and Verrat; tactical disposition of H.Gr. F units and enemy units in OB Südost sector and billeting areas for H.Gr. E units. Maps (1:12,500) showing the location of fortification and supply depots in Belgrade. Aerial photos (1:8,000 and 10,000) showing the location of road and railroad installations in Rumania. Chart presenting monthly statistical data concerning the supplying of partisan units in Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Yugoslavia, Jan - Jul, 1944., June 29, 1944 - September 15, 1944
75139/4 Ia, Ic/A.O., Lage- u. Feindlagekarten, Gliederungen und Pausen OB Südost. - Maps (1:200, 000; 300,000 and 1,000,000) showing the tactical disposition of OB Südost and H.Gr. F units and enemy units, including Bulgarian Army and 3 Ukrainian Front units in Hungary and Yugoslavia; and the location of billeting areas of OB Südost units and H.Gr. E disengagement movement in OB Südost sector., October 26, 1944 - December 24, 1944
75139/6 Ia, Ic, Lage- u. Feindlagekarten, Gliederungen und Einsatz OB Südost. Feindverluste und Pausen. - Maps and overlays (1:200,000; 500,OOCfcand 1,000,000) showing the tactical disposition of OB Südost and enemy units in Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, and Yugoslavia, and the location of coastal defenses and billeting areas in OB Südost sector. Charts presenting statistical data concerning German Armed Forces engaged in operations on the islands in the Aegean Sea, and diagrams showing enemy losses in dead, captured,and missing., July 09, 1944 - October 17, 1944